Warm greetings in the matchless and marvellous name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “ I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it”. Nobody will dispute the fact that Jesus himself is the founder of the church (Mat.16:18). Church- it has been a plan of God, the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations but is now disclosed to the saints. The NT word for the church is ecclesia in Greek, literal meaning is the “called out community” or “the elect ones”. They are so called because God, in His grace, called them out from the world or the worldly people or from darkness to light of the gospel to lead a new or holy life.
According to the Scriptures, the foundation of the church was laid on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out first. (Acts2:1-4), the church was, certainly made perfect on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon her. On the day of Pentecost apostle peter stood up and warned them and he pleaded with them “save yourselves from this corrupt generation”. Those who accepted his message were baptized and about three thousand were added to their member that day.
The fellowship of first century Christians was such that they counted their wealth as well as their spiritual blessings in common (Acts 2:42-47). They considered themselves as one family of God, sharing one another their joy, love and other benefits of salvation. We should have fellowship with the Triune God as well as with other members in the church. Our fellowship with God will not be complete without having a good relationship with our brothers and sisters.
Fellowship is a means by which each believer can grow by mutual sharing and by spiritual association. Our gathering or assembly is a place wherein we get a true fellowship or communion of saints. The real fellowship gives us energy and enthusiasm. Our Christian lives produce fruits such as, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, and self- control. For many the concept of church is only a mere building. Church is not a building rather church functions in a building where one experiences the real fellowship with God and fellow being.
I am very much happy and thank God for IPC Philadelphia church, a blessed congregation in Dubai founded by a great visionary and servant of God Pastor. G. Gee Varghese(late) many decades back to have a real fellowship with God and God’s people. Obviously, it is a growing church in Dubai, I can boldly say that it is a blessed church where God’s people enjoy the fellowship in worshiping God. Our church gives equal priority to everyone. The name ‘Philadelphia’ (brotherly love) is exactly exercised in this church. Sound doctrines, spirit filled worship and sound biblical teachings are strictly maintained in the congregation. Every activity of the church is meant to the spiritual growth of its members. Sunday school, PYPA, Youth ministry, English meeting and Ladies meeting are being conducted regularly under the leadership of blessed and committed servants of God.
Those who wish to attend a spirit filled and youths- focused Pentecostal church here I would like to invite them to come and experience the presence of God and be blessed.
The coming of our Lord is near so let’s prepare ourselves and be ready to meet our Lord.
In His Service
Pastor. Dr. Satheesh Mathew
IPC Philadelphia Church, Dubai.
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