Born as the third child of Mr. Shaji Mathew & Mrs Sheela Mathew, Joel was a member of IPC Philadelphia Church Dubai since his birth in 1998. He grew up in Dubai and did his schooling at Our Own English High School.
He was trained in the Word of God at home and in Sunday School which he attended regularly. Even from a young age, Joel exhibited a talent and passion for music and trained himself on a variety of musical instruments like the keyboard, violin, guitar, cello etc. He was part of the Church music team and never shied away from giving assistance with all preparations well ahead of the commencement of service.
From a tender age of 10 years, Joel started writing songs, composing the tune and singing them. During PYPA sessions, he displayed his talent and dexterity at playing instruments. His violin renditions had a touch of genius. He had a great zeal of God’s kingdom and aspired to be Christ like in all his dealings with people.
A soft-spoken young lad with a face ever resplendent with a heart-warming smile, Joel touched many lives with his affable manners and compassion. God in His infinite wisdom chose a better place for Joel and called him to his Eternal Home on 12 th March 2020.
we have included some excerpts from Joel’s collection and you can watch it under our video page and you can read few songs written by him under our “poems” Page ……..to cherish and treasure …….