pleco not moving but breathing

It can be caused by elevated ammonia levels in the tank or an injury that resulted in a bacterial infection. Or can he be savedlaying on side at bottom of tank, Betta laying at bottom of tank, not eating, pale, barely breathing. (+ 11 Ways To Stop Your Pleco From Eating Plants), Breeding Bristlenose Plecos (With Pictures), Pleco Size: How Big Do Plecos get? There are over 100 species of plecos, so it is essential to do your research to learn the best source of nutrition for your pleco species. You need to monitor the water parameters to keep things in check. Usually, rapid breathing is caused by some pollutant or toxic in the water. (By Species), Breeding Pleco Catfish Guide With Pictures, Cory Catfish And Plecos Tank Mate guide, Do plecos bury themselves? Rotting fins is a sign that your fish have some type of bacterial infection. Hes in a seperate bowl. In addition, there are specific treatments you can purchase to help your fish suffering from diseases like rotting fins and ich. Youll also need to fix issues with water quality in the tank while solving stress problems. Filtration is crucial to keep your water parameters optimal, as pleco catfish are big polluters. I still don't know for sure what happened, but I'm going to blame the CO2. Any recent additions to the tank, or changes made in decor or anything? T. Swearingen,, S.Barbatus & Black C. Schultzei breeding tank. Ich is a condition that involves the fish being infected by parasites. I wouldn't worry too much about yours! You might even be making the mistake of thinking that plecos can subsist entirely on algae in the tank. A swollen belly isnt a good sign. This gave me false readings that my water had hardly any co2 in it. You should be changing 15% of the water on a weekly basis. One of the biggest myths is also that plecos clean your tank. Plecos are a type of tropical fish that need a heated tank with a filter. Im not sure if somethings wrong or not. The impaired buoyancy in fish is caused by a malfunction of their swim bladder. The main pressure on the regulator has been dropping so I raised the main pressure in the regulator and then increased the bubble flow. The hardest test for a Pleco keeper is to get the Pleco addapted to his new home. They like to eat shrimp and bloodworms. Unless you are bying a large (when grown on) species of pleco who is to say that it's a baby, unless this is visualy obvious. However, many times, the death of a plecostomus is avoidable by some simple changes in their care. For plecos, most types need a tank thats 30 gallons in size, but there are smaller species (like bristlenose & clown plecos) that can live in a 20-gallon tank. In addition, you will want to quarantine the sick fish, as it is contagious and will spread quickly. If your fish is showing a loss of color or turning white, this may be a sign your pleco is dying. I quickly put in an airstone and within 5 minutes they were back to normal. Ammonia and nitrites build up then bacteria build up to convert them into something less harmful to fish. Like fin rot, Ich may appear due to poor tank conditions. If your plecos fins start to rot or decay, it is important to act quickly as this can spread to the fishs body. Monitor your fishs feeding to ensure he is eating. Goldfish Laying on his side, breathing ever 15-30 secs. If the fish is hiding among the plants or in a cave and not moving, thats perfectly normal. It was in a tank with Piranha and had scars on it, but after a while they left it alone. When my pleco sleeps on his back, it is usually under a wood or in a dark spot, where he wont be bothered. I love my animals. Now that weve gone over signs your pleco is dying, the most likely causes and solutions, its time to prevent it from happening in the future. As long as they are damp or wet they can live for probably 20-30 minutes. This can make it very tough for the fish to swim around normally. Add an airstone if your filter doesnt create enough surface movement. Silly fish. I haven't added any decor nor moved anything. You might notice the pleco fish swimming erratically. I have heard of RTC living out of water for 45 mins!!! You called it a he is it actually male? Do you see the gills moving at all or are they truly motionless? Cloudy eyes will be a sign that the fish is being kept in bad water. Try to fix this issue by isolating the fish and fixing issues with the water quality. Take action by doing water changes and adding an air pump. If you want to know everything about setting up a pleco tank, you can read our full guide on it. My pleco is laying on it's side still breathing but not movi By entering this site you declare !My betta fish isnt moving but he is alive. My pleco has started acting as if he's on fire! Most likely, the fish have fin rot due to poor water conditions in the tank. When a pleco is stressed, it lowers its immunity and increases the risk of fast death. Did you add any new fish recently, particularly any wild caught or F1s? If the oxygen levels get really low, plecos might stop moving. If the water condition and bacterial infections caused the situation, then youll need to fix those problems. Bloating isn't that difficult to identify. This could happen to any fish owner, so it is essential to understand the causes of these symptoms and how to treat them. Both tanks are also a bit small for their inhabitants, so moving your Plec will overstock your Goldie tank. I drop an algae wafer in every other day and he usually jumps right on it but since he stays in his little all the time now Im not sure if he eats it. If the fish appears to be sick, then it might not be moving because it has some type of disease. If this is not taken care of, it will cause your fish to die. Fin rot is caused by underlying conditions such as bacterial infection. White spots may appear on your fish if it is sick. It was not just one of my plecos but several. He was struggling really hard, and ended up tipping upside-down, fighting his way up to the surface, and all kinds of things. Malnutrition can make plecos get sick, and they will certainly die if you dont feed them enough. My drop checker had pretty much all of the air OUT of the "exchainge" area, in it's place was water. Barely breathing! Breeding bristlenose plecos is certainly an exciting thing to do. Pleco fish are amazing animals and very interesting for aquarists. When affected by Swim Bladder Disorder fish will often lose the ability to properly swim. Can I do something to help? Is it dying? Most of them can be caused by poor water conditions in the tank. Make sure to find the cause so that you can add antibiotics if needed. Of course, its often human error that causes plecos to die in fish tanks. Having more females than males also helps. If you offer them a place where they can feel safe, such as a dark spot under an ornamental plant, they will often come out to visit with you. Pet stores often sell plecos as algae eaters or cleaner fish which is why you might think it doesnt need its own tank and can survive on leftovers/waste. Regular water changes and cleaning the tank will also help your Pleco stay healthy. I have another one and don't want to lose both. Same my pleco only comes out when the lights are off and since ive got an enenemy (sorry if i spelled wrong) he just stays there and dosent move at ALL even in the day and the lights are off i guess he loves darkness an also cus hes hiding from my guppie named bob. It's scared and it's stressed and it's hiding, because it's in a strange place after being caught and boxed up and moved. In some cases, it might even be as extreme as males killing each other. If all he is getting is algae (either fresh from the tank or wafer form) he may not be feeling very good. If your pleco is breathing more rapidly, it can be because of various reasons: Make sure to test your water parameters for a nitrite/ammonia spike as this extracts oxygen. Today he is floating upside down in the top corner of the tank. They take a full breath, in and out, about 6 times a second., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. It might help you to figure out how to help the fish by doing some troubleshooting. Leaving things alone could cause the fish to die. Poor water conditions usually cause bacterial infections. If it truly isnt moving at all, then there is a good chance that the fish is dead. People dont monitor the water parameters closely enough, which winds up killing the fish. Most of the day, he is there. You also have to keep in mind that theyre nocturnal. Both stress and poor water quality can make it more likely that the fish will get infected. It could simply be that the pleco fish succumbed to an illness during the night. Checking and monitoring the levels, temperature and pH will ensure the tank has the proper conditions for your pleco. ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH? How can I make my plecostomus more active? There are other reasons why a pleco might start floating, but its possible that the fish could be dead. Isolating the fish and fixing the problems source is imperative to save your pleco. In order to keep your Pleco happy, you will need to ensure that the tank is heated and supplied with a filter. Problems such as fin rot and pop eye can be dealt with so that the fish can get better. This behavior can also occur when fish are exposed to high temperatures. Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his familys fish tank. If your fishs eyes appear to be bulging out of its head, it may be suffering from pop eye or exophthalmos. As weve discussed briefly, starvation is a very common death cause of plecos. An air pump is optional, but recommended to prevent your pleco from swimming up to the surface to gulp air. Vote. Both eyes will appear to protrude if there is an infection present. My pleco did the same thing, he still hides in his cave for long periods of time but if I sneak up on the tank he is usually swimming around. Fixing the water conditions will usually be enough to get the fish to become more active again. The fish might be very sick and it feels unable to move. Huge plecos like this need A LOT of broccoli to survive ;). Jun 21, 2005 #1 I have about a 3" pleco in a 10 gallon tank. Here are some tips on how you can notice a sick pleco thats possibly even dying. I also asked my lfs and he said they are MOST active at night. If your pleco has a cloudy eye but acts normal, it will probably go away by itself. It isnt uncommon for some baby plecos to die even if youre doing your best to care for them. Clean the fish tank and regularly change the water to keep things clean. If you want fish that are livelier during the day, youd be better off looking for a different type of fish. This can be caused by many things, such as poor water conditions, stress, or poor nutrition. The way your one is laying is a bit worrisome. To test if your pleco is dead or not, you can try to touch it and see whether it reacts. Common pleco not moving after tank flush! If your fish is stressed, you may notice the loss of color in addition to the loss of appetite and abnormal swimming behaviors. Yes this normally happens with Plecos. If you catch some of the signs early enough, then itll be possible to turn everything around. Fish could die due to being bullied by other fish as well. When the water quality is poor, itll weaken the immune system of the plecos. Unlike ich or fin rot, there are no medicinal treatments for cloudy eyes, as the problem will solve itself when the cause has been determined and fixed (water conditions, tank aggression, etc.). If the plecos are in a community fish tank, then itll be important to ensure that they are kept only with compatible tank mates. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what, Most of the pleco species sold and kept in the. This is absolutely not true. Now the tank is in pretty bad shape (were working on it!) If your pleco has a sunken belly, its starving due to malnutrition. Why would a pleco fish stop moving entirely? Whatever was wrong has seemed to be fixed as he's now behaving like normal. When a pleco lays motionless at the bottom of the tank it also means they might be getting beat up by other fish inside. Check out the Monthly I had similar problems when I had a faulty regulator. Plecos dying: its a sad sight and one of the questions I get asked most frequently. Lastly, before or during spawning, plecos can breathe more rapidly since this is energy-consuming. There are many things to consider, and you dont want to ignore signs that your fish are in trouble. Home Aquatic Problems & Solutions Why is My Pleco Not Moving? Then the water got cloudy and that is when they started breathing heavy. Ive put this first on the list because its probably the most frequently made a mistake. Remember to do regular tank maintenance. certain species have apparently demonstarted the ability to absorb oxygen into their blood through their stomac by swallowing it. If an injury is to blame, then it might get better on its own if you keep feeding the fish and monitoring the tank conditions carefully. They will float uncontrollably to the top of the aquarium, turned upside down, while still being alive. Continue reading to learn about reasons why plecos might stop moving. A male with eggs/ babies may stay in the cave for several weeks without eating. If your pleco fish doesnt appear to be moving, youre likely going to be incredibly concerned. Check the water quality and try to fix anything that is wrong. Plecos are supposed to be fairly hardy fish, other reasons why a pleco might start floating. If your plecos seem to be losing color rapidly, then its a sign that theyre dying or getting very sick. Now he's a happy camper. Now that weve gone over the symptoms, its time to find the cause of these problems. Although some plecos do like to eat algae, not all of them do. You might not be feeding them enough either. If it was dead youd know it, lol. Another potential problem involves the oxygen levels in the tank being too low. 5 Tips for moving into your new Home with pets, [] injured while moving. Its wise to isolate the fish during the treatment process by setting up a quarantine tank. I'm not entirely sure the kind of pleco as I didn't buy him but I think he is a common pleco. WHats wrong? Plecs are also known to suck the slime coat off goldfish, causing injury and illness to the goldfish. Poor water conditions usually cause bacterial infections. Especially if they are in the breeding season. Just keep an eye on him. #3. Why is my fish laying on its side at the bottom? While in fact, there are hundreds. Rapid temperature changes, irregular feeding schedules, and poor water conditions also contribute to stress in fish. Over the years I have kept many tanks, and have recently begun getting more serious in wanting to become a professional aquarist. Pleco catfish are often kept in the aquarium hobby because, Plecos and cory catfish are two extremely popular catfish species, Pleco catfish are one of the most popular fish in, Pleco spawning Plecos are cave-breeders, and they spawn exclusively in, For a limited time, you can download our FREE pleco catfish ebook, 2022 - Privacy policy Webdesign by Websmart Websites. Most of the time, a pleco laying on its back or side is normal as they sometimes rest in this position. Just as important is what you put in the tank. Fish laying on the bottom of the tank and breathing deeply require action as soon as possible. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and even small amounts of vegetables can help your fish be more healthy. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Checking the water levels to ensure there are no harmful ammonia levels and correcting the problem with water changes will help your fish gain its movement back. in 60 degree water less than 1\4" deep! There are actually many signs that show you that plecos are in rough shape. If you want your plecostomus to be more active, one suggestion is to provide it with live plants and driftwood to use as hiding spots, feed it live insects and invertebrates, and offer it a variety of tank mates. He was just hanging there out of the water not moving. Some will also cause fish to have a hard time breathing. Loss of color is a common sign that something is wrong with your plecos. Check your water parameters as this is the most likely cause. Make sure to take notice of this behavior, and to check your water parameters to know whether there might be a cause for this. There are various products that might treat it but as for your best option on products I don't know. Is the fish dead or is it really sick? Touch the fish and see if you can get it to spring up. you read and agreed to the. Poor nutrition might cause loss of color as well. There is a possibility that something happened in the tank, though. A filter is a must. Once mouth and gills are open, you'll need to resuscitate the fish by flushing water over the gills and there are a few ways of doing this. Low immune system. Im experienced in the fishkeeping hobby for many years. The most common cause of this is poor water conditions. Since plecos are a type of catfish, they feed off of algae. We found him on the carpet under his bed and it looked pretty dead. A pleco might choose to remain very still and stay in the same spot all day. he has been banging in to the top of the tank really hard. Check the tanks temperature to ensure it is between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. Here are some of my favorite foods for plecos (make a selection suited for the species youre keeping). It very well might be dead if it doesnt appear to be moving at all. However, they still require feeding two times a week to have a balanced diet. Depending on the species, feed a varied diet of both vegetables and protein-rich foods that sink to the bottom. Checking temperature and pH levels is also essential because the water needs to be at a pH of 7.0 to 8.0. Plecostomus fish, commonly called plecos, are relatively easy to take care of. The cause of most of these symptoms stems from the water conditions. They clean algae, but they make a bigger mess in your tank. To revive a dying pleco, perform a big water change and make sure the water parameters are optimal. This is constant. Its also important to clean the fish tank and do regular water changes to avoid throwing the water parameters off. Later in this guide, well go over the exact symptoms of dropsy. They do generaly but if it is stunted then I would say I lived to its maximum potential given the circumstances. Keep the filter, heater, and lights on for long enough periods of time to ensure their comfort. Come join the discussion about flora, fauna, health, housing, filters, care, classifieds, and more! Make sure to test your water if there are any abnormalities. Another reason for a pleco not moving is that it is dead. Put the torch on dim and slowly turn it up and the Plec is there. Fish are fascinating creatures, and although some are easy to take care of, that doesnt eliminate the possibility of them developing a sickness. However, like any fish, they can develop sickness too. Receive our FREE eBook by filling out the form below. You are using an out of date browser. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Checking your tanks levels and temperatures will help you determine if the tanks conditions are unsafe for your pleco. Problems can occur when caring for plecos. Nighttime is when these fish can take their time exploring their tank to find food, which they often do by keeping their skin touching the substrate (or other objects in the tank). Plecos need to be kept in fish tanks with high oxygen levels. I dont know what to do, i know that he is still alive. Can be seen here, incuding specific details and how-to's on some of my special features. Plecos arent known death, although they sometimes sleep on their backs which gives this impression. My pleco just pretty much hangs out in the same spot almost all day, as Gee mentioned they're nocturnal. You must log in or register to reply here. Not related but kind of funny: I also have a Whiptail Catfish, if you're worried about fish that don't move, don't get one, they will just sit there even if another fish sits ontop of them or you touch them or anything. Even the tiny three-inch long zebra plecos are carnivores. Try touching the fish and see if it reacts. My Pleco Catfish doesn't MOVE or eat and I'm worried. Of course, some of the fish might simply have genetic issues. If you have an aquarium with plecos and/or snails at, Many aquarists doubt they can keep plecos and shrimp together. That caused me to look at all of the fish, and I saw that many were very pale. Yes this normally happens with Plecos. If you get no response, the fish is surely dead. They can also take advantage of other opportunities that come with darkness, like avoiding predators. My fish isnt moving. Quarantining and giving medicine is the most effective way to cure this disease. It could be that the fish is sick and has some type of problem with its gills. Plecos can stay in the same place for long periods of time, or move and go back without you knowing it. How to Tell the Age of a Cockatiel (Age Chart Included! (his color blends in real well with the wall - and where he wedged himself in is hard to see unless you are looking for it. Ich can be treated by using medication that will get rid of the infection. The best way is to use a net or other implement to scoop them out of the water. Hopefully, that wont be the case for your fish. How To Know whether your pleco is dying, and the solutions for it. i have heard reports of them lasting quite a while out of water. You dont have to reach into the tank and touch it with your bare hand. I have seen this behavior once before and today, its happening again. Always supply food in the presence of light to the baby fish. However, a stressed pleco catfish can be recognized by a few things: A stressed pleco is most likely the result of an insufficient tank setup, bad water quality and or conflicts with other fish or plecos. Take any remaining fish out of the water and keep them somewhere safe. Are there females in the tank with him? Knowing what signs to look out for might allow you to turn things around before its too late. He is just sitting on the bottom of the tank not moving or trying to eat anything. Jeff has always enjoyed having pets, but as a child, he was drawn to his familys fish tank. Checking the tank conditions and monitoring the fishs behavior are things you can do to determine the cause of the swelling. "We are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to". Adding an oxygen source also helps. If your pleco has seemingly rips/cuts in its fins, its most likely fin rot. Ich is something that can be cured if you catch it in time. This post may contain affiliate links. My Angel fish keeps laying on her side at the bottom of the My betta fish is laying on his side and breathing heavily, Is our Goldfish dying? Provide adequate space and decor (ornaments and positioning of objects) so there is no danger for your pleco. If it doesnt move if you try to touch it, then its truly dead. It looks like he is taking his last breaths in only a day and that too without showing any symptoms of any disease. You can get something called Stress Coat at the pet store, it basically removes any chlorine that may be in your water, it has also been proven to reduce fish stress. These fish enjoy hiding and they often stay in the same place at the bottom of the aquarium. When capturing the fish, be sure not to grab the tail fin because this could damage it. Issues with water quality can stress the fish and make them sick. Thanks, Tex Gal. There is a man that works at Petco who actually knows what he is doing, and when my friend asked about getting a common pleco for her 75g, he said he only recommends them in a 150 gallon tank or more to fully thrive. Your pet store may have products that may do the job. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Resting on the bottom of the tank or hiding in plants or other objects. This makes it easier for them to get bacterial infections. If this is not taken care of, it will cause your fish to die. This disease is not contagious but should be treated or death will follow. Its a sign that something is wrong, and you might need to make some changes. Plecos are supposed to be fairly hardy fish, and this likely made you confident enough to purchase some even as a beginner. Paleness is certainly a distress symptom. Plecos turn white for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: poor nutrition, disease, stress, or inadequate tank conditions. My name is Jeff, and my goal with this site is to share everything I've learned over the years about caring for aquatic life. The problem may have been caused by the fish swallowing air, so pre-soak the fish food in the future to avoid this problem. This situation can be turned around if you act fast. How Often Should You Take Your Bearded Dragon Out Of Its Cage? I've haven't tried touching him by hand but when I touched him with a net it seemed like he tried to run away but couldn't. Youll also get a bit of information about why these signs are occurring. I like your, I found it interesting when you explained how you'd bond with your pet snake and improve recognition. An aquarium needs about 6 weeks to fully cycle before you add fish. Can Betta Fish Live With Guppies And Tetras?

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pleco not moving but breathing